Our Team

  • Richard Chatham

    Director, Mira Foundation USA
    Richard Chatham has lived in the Sandhills of North Carolina for most of his life. He and his wife of 38 years, Allison, have a son and daughter who both live in the area.

    Upon graduating from Furman University, Richard returned to North Carolina and began a management career in the textile industry with Macfield Texturing.

    When the textile industry began to decline in the late 1980’s, Richard moved back to Southern Pines and became President of RGC Corporation, a business that represented educational and toy manufacturers to the retail market.

    Richard volunteered with and was Chairman of the Moore County Chapter of Ducks Unlimited for many years. From there, he began working as a volunteer for Mira Foundation USA before moving into Mira’s Director’s position.

  • Bonnie Archibald

    Chief Development Officer
    Mira USA announced the hiring of Bonnie Archibald as its chief development officer, a move that signals a new chapter in the organization’s commitment to enhancing the lives of blind children. Bonnie’s new role highlights Mira USA’s focus on increasing visibility and fostering strong community engagement, given her valuable experience at Partners for Children & Families.
    Bonnie’s journey with Partners for Children & Families, spanning from volunteer to community engagement coordinator, is a testament to her dedication and expertise in child advocacy. Her role in spearheading and expanding transformative programs, including Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library, the New Books-Good Looks Literacy Initiative, and the Summer Reading Stations, showcases her commitment to creating positive change.

    At the heart of her achievements lies Growing Moore Readers, Moore County’s Campaign for Grade-Level Reading. Bonnie’s instrumental role in this collaborative effort speaks volumes about her commitment to addressing challenges faced by children.

    Now, as Chief Development Officer at Mira USA, Bonnie brings her passion for community engagement and program development to amplify the impact of the organization. Mira USA, the first national non-profit dedicated to providing guide dogs for blind children aged 11 through 16, has a profound mission to enhance independence and improve the quality of life for visually impaired children across the United States.

    With Bonnie’s appointment, Mira USA emphasizes the importance of financial support to bring their mission to fruition. Donations play a vital role in providing guide dogs, intensive training, and essential support services to eligible children, free of charge. The organization’s commitment to ensuring that no child who qualifies for a guide dog has to wait underscores the urgency of financial support.

Mira Foundation USA is governed by a dedicated Board of Directors.
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